3350 Douglas


3350 Douglas Street is a high-quality four-storey office building located on the primary artery connecting Saanich to downtown Victoria. The building’s extensive glazing brings natural lighting into the large and flexible floor plates. On-site amenities include a fully- equipped fitness facility, shower and change rooms, underground and surface parking, secure bicycle storage and 24-hour mobile patrol security. The building is served by numerous neighbourhood amenities and is conveniently located along the Galloping Goose Trail. 3350 Douglas has been certified BOMA BESt Level 3 for its demonstrated excellence in energy-efficiency and environmental sustainability.

In keeping with our commitment to sustainability, Jawl Properties participates in Building Benchmark BC, a program highlighting the energy performance of comparable buildings within the Province of BC. In 2023, 3350 Douglas ranked 11th out of 164 for Greenhouse Gas Intensity (GHGI) and 33rd out of 164 for Energy Use Intensity (Site EUI), confirming the site and building as a top performer for energy efficiency across the province.

Jawl Properties is proud to share that 3350 Douglas Street is the first building in our portfolio to achieve Zero Carbon Building certification (2024) through the Canadian Green Building Council. CAGBC’s Zero Carbon Building™ (ZCB) standards are a made-in-Canada framework that makes carbon the new measure of building innovation. Among the world’s first zero-carbon building standards, they recognize the importance of building emissions in reaching national climate commitments. The ZCB standards are an important tool supporting the green building sector’s efforts to decarbonize Canada’s buildings. For the full report on 3350 Douglas's energy use trend and year-over-year data, download the details here.

Building Features

  • Address

    3350 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC, Canada

  • Building Size

    75,000 sq ft

  • Number of Storeys


  • Typical Floor Size

    14,000 sq ft (4) 20,000 sq ft (2-3) 21,000 sq ft (Main)

  • Zoning

    General Commercial Zone

  • Building Amenities

    Fitness Centre Shower and Changing Facilities Bicycle Storage Secure Surface and Underground Parking 24 Hour Mobile Patrol Security

  • Parking

    Underground and surface stalls available for occupants and visitors.

